Board Members

Board Meetings

Meetings of the Toombs County Board of Education (TCBOE) are held the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM in the board room at the new Toombs County High School building at 500 Bulldog Rd., Lyons, Georgia.

BOE Meeting & Policy Archive Toombs County BOE Meeting & Policy Archive

Board Meeting Procedures

The agenda for each meeting allows for:

  • Call to order

  • Invocation

  • Pledge to the Flag

  • Approval of board agenda

  • Approval of previous board minutes

  • Financial reports

  • Public participation

  • Superintendent's reports and recommendations

  • Old business

  • New business

  • Announcements

  • Adjournments

    The TCBOE reserves the right to change the order of agenda or make an addendum to the agenda as they feel may be necessary.

    Persons wishing to address the TCBOE will be recognized during Public Participation on the TCBOE's agenda. Individuals are asked to record their name and subject with the superintendent prior to the board meeting. A maximum of three minutes per person and a maximum of thirty minutes for public participation is allowed during the Public Participation section of the board agenda; however, for special meetings where public participation is solicited, longer periods of time may be designated by the TCBOE.

    Any items of business a patron wishes to be included on the board agenda should be submitted in writing to the superintendent at least twenty-four hours prior to the scheduled meeting.

    All meetings of the TCBOE are open to the public except those at which personnel, real estate, or legal matters are being considered.

    Although community members may petition the TCBOE for redress of a grievance, a solution must first be sought through the proper administrative channels before investigation or action by the board. Complaints involving discipline, learning materials and personnel must be addressed though the following channels respectively

  • Teacher

  • Principal

  • Assistant Superintendent

  • Superintendent

  • School Board

The TCBOE is responsible to the people and therefore will make attempts to reflect the opinion of the community; however, the school board members must look to the future more clearly than is required of the average citizen. The decisions and action of the TCBOE may not be realized at once but will set the course of education for future years. The TCBOE strives to fearlessly support the educational philosophies and procedures needed to promote proper education for this community based upon the needs of its students.