Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Toombs County Schools! Student Holidays are Dec. 18 - Jan. 4. Students will return on Jan. 5.

LUES Holiday Spirit Week
Friday, December 15
Holiday Glow Up
Wear something shiny, bright, or that lights up!
Dress Code will be enforced

LUES Holiday Spirit Week
Thursday, December 14
Ugly Christmas Sweater

Watched the Grinch at the movies today 😃

Mrs.Carroll's class wrote and delivered their letters to Santa's Mailbox :) ✉️

Mrs. Brantley‘s classes celebrated reaching their i-Ready goals today with coke floats and a movie!

LUES Holiday Spirit Week
Wednesday, Dec 13
Santa's Workshop Imposters
Dress like you work in Santa's Workshop
Elf, Santa, Gift, Reindeer, etc.
Dress Code will be enforced

LUES Bus Riders:
Fewer students may be riding the bus home on Friday, Dec. 15, so students may be dropped off at home earlier than normal. Please make adjustments in your schedule to be home when your child gets out of school and off the bus. Thank you!

LUES Holiday Spirit Week
Tuesday, Dec 12
Favorite Christmas Character
Dress Code will be enforced
Shoes need backs, length of tops and bottoms should be appropriate

Hello LUES Family,
Congratulations to your student on completing the 2nd or Mid Year iReady Diagnostic! As I’ve mentioned before, the Diagnostic is an important tool we use to understand your student better and where we can offer the best support.
You can also talk to your student about the work they just completed and learn more about their progress. Here are some questions you can use to spark a discussion:
· What was it like to take the Diagnostic? What did you do during the test to make sure you did your best?
· Tell me about some of the reflections you’ve made from your data. What are you proud of? What do you need to work on?
· What goals did you set based on this Diagnostic?
· How can I help support your goals?
Thank you again for your continued partnership and support in your student’s learning.
Rhonda Stone
Principal, LUES

¡Felicitamos a su estudiante por haber completado la Evaluación diagnóstica! Como mencioné en otras ocasiones, la evaluación diagnóstica es una herramienta importante que usamos para comprender mejor a su estudiante y con la que podemos ofrecerle el mejor apoyo.
También puede hablar con su estudiante sobre el trabajo que acaba de terminar y conocer más sobre su progreso. Estas son algunas preguntas que podemos hacer para comenzar la conversación:
· ¿Qué te pareció tomar la Evaluación diagnóstica? ¿Qué hiciste durante la evaluación para asegurarte de hacerla lo mejor posible?
· Cuéntame algunas reflexiones sobre tu información. ¿De qué estás orgulloso? ¿En qué necesitas trabajar más?
· ¿Qué objetivos te fijaste según tus resultados de esta evaluación?
· ¿Cómo puedo ayudarte a lograr tus objetivos?
Gracias una vez más por seguir siendo parte del equipo y por su apoyo con el aprendizaje de su estudiante.
Rhonda Stone
Principal, LUES

LUES Holiday Spirit Week Dress Up
Dec 11, Monday, Merry Morning- Wear Your Pajamas
Dress Code will be enforced
Shoes must have backs on them

Ms. Leslie Wiggins and her students had a great time writing about what brings them JOY! Thank you to Mrs. Jessica Bargeron for creating this interactive bulletin board.

LUES Accelerated Reader Party Dec 11:
Did your student meet their AR goal? If so, they will come to the Accelerated Reader party in the gym -Monday, Dec 11th. They can bring a pillow and blanket. They will receive popcorn & drink (no cost), and watch a movie. It is also Pajama Day for ALL students.

LUES Attendance Update: Way to go parents and students for making such growth this 8 weeks! Remember- we can't teach them if they aren't here. You can email any excuses to brittany.wiggins@toombs.k12.ga.us.
1st 8 Weeks 2nd 8 Weeks
Excused 357 183
Unexcused 217 146
Tardy 214 120
Early Sign Out 48 23

Mrs.Carroll's class is ready for the Mistletoe on Main :) The class will be selling ornaments made by the children, embroidered Toombs County themed: beanies, ear warmers, and socks.

The GA Parent Survey was developed to measure parent perceptions of school climate at your child’s school. Responses are confidential & will be combined with responses of other parents at your child’s school to identify areas needing improvement. https://gshs.gadoe.org/parents

LUES Shoutout!
Mrs. Payne's 5th Grade ELA students recognized our Custodial Staff with THANK YOU letters as part of their ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE.
Pictured is Mrs. Payne presenting a stack of letters from students to Mr. Richard who has such a giving heart. Students and staff love him at LUES! He was overjoyed and overwhelmed with the thoughtfulness.

Bulldog family, get ready to roll up your sleeves this Thursday, December 7, 2023, from 10 AM to 4 PM at the Toombs County High School Wrestling Room. We're excited to face off against our rivals, Vidalia, in this life-saving event.
For every blood donation, our friends at McLendon Enterprises Inc will generously donate $20. This blood drive is open to everyone in the community. Don't forget to secure your spot by scheduling an appointment online. Just click the link and be a part of this incredible cause. https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?order=DATE&range=10&zipSponsor=30436

LUES Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program provided by our Cafeteria Staff for December