Students from Mrs. Pierce's 8th grade ACE class and Mrs. Williamson's class visited Lyons Upper Elementary School Friday in honor of Read Across America Week and Dr. Seuss's birthday. The middle schoolers read to LUES students and encouraged them all to be readers.
10 months ago, Toombs County Middle School
TCMS reads to LUES
TCMS reads to LUES
TCMS reads to LUES
TCMS reads to LUES
TCMS reads to LUES
TCMS reads to LUES
Early Release Day - March 7 @ 11:30 AM History has been made! For the first time in school history, the Toombs County Bulldog Basketball team will travel Thursday, March 7 to the Macon Coliseum to play at 3:00 PM for the 2024 GHSA AA State Championship! All Toombs County Schools will release at 11:30 AM on March 7, 2024 to allow sufficient time for our dedicated fans to travel to the State Championship game. All students will be served lunch before dismissal. If your child is a car rider, please make sure you or someone on the pick-up list is at the school to pick him/her up at 11:30 AM. If your child is a bus rider, please make sure someone is at your residence shortly after 11:30 AM to receive your child off of the bus. We will resume normal school hours on Friday, March 8.
10 months ago, Toombs County Schools
release day
Our 8th-grade ELA classes finished their poetry unit by writing original poems. Students were allowed to bring the object that inspired their poems to school for a brief time today.
11 months ago, Toombs County Middle School
8th Poetry
8th Poetry
8th Poetry
8th Poetry
8th Poetry
8th Poetry
8th Poetry
8th Poetry
8th Poetry
Reminder that the last day to get a ticket is TOMORROW March 1st. Also, parents please go back and review the parent letter sent home with your student for the DRESS CODE for this event.
11 months ago, Danielle Morris
8th grade formal
The students in sixth grade science had the pleasure of learning from Mr. David Hall, UGA Extension Water Educator, during their 4-H Meeting last week. Mr. Hall explained the effects of pollution in a water shed.
11 months ago, Chelsea Todd
Science Spotlight
March 4, 2024 - 6:30 PM @ Toombs County High School Board Meeting Room
11 months ago, Toombs County Athletics
Spring picture day will be here soon!
11 months ago, Toombs County Middle School
Spring picture background
If so, please attend the next Kinship Caregiver meeting on 2/29/24 from 6:00pm-7:30pm at the Partin Park Birthday House. Childcare will be provided. RSVP to 478-262-1133. Topic: Financial Planning & Monthly Budgets
11 months ago, Toombs County Schools
kinship caregiver
The students in Mrs. Todd's science class have been studying weather and climate. The students are studying using s3strategies implemented to incorporate active learning and increase vocabulary retention. #setthestandard
11 months ago, Chelsea Todd
Science Spotlight
Please click the link below and take a moment to answer a few questions. Username: TCMSPARENT Password: TINA
11 months ago, Toombs County Schools
TCMS ACE is offering a chance to win this beautiful, all-season door hanger! Tickets are $5. See any ACE student or Mrs. Pierce at TCMS for your ticket!
11 months ago, Toombs County Middle School
ACE All season hangar give away
We are looking forward to seeing our Miss TCMS contestants SHINE on the stage at the Miss TCMS pageant.
11 months ago, Toombs County Middle School
Miss TCMS pageant
As a thank you to all faculty and staff for the recent success of our literacy night and the book fair, the TCMS Media Center hosted a Sweets Day. Teachers received a delicious dessert and a personalized cup. Our teachers know the sweet impact of reading for enjoyment!
11 months ago, Toombs County Middle School
Sweets day at TCMS
Sweets day at TCMS
Sweets day at TCMS
Sweets day at TCMS
Sweets day at TCMS
Sweets day at TCMS
Sweets day at TCMS
Sweets day at TCMS
Sweets day at TCMS
Sweets day at TCMS
Congratulations to Mr. Lewis Owen - the lucky winner of our Toombs County Waving Flag wall hanger! TCMS supporters, you have one more opportunity to purchase a winning ticket - check back here to see what is coming next!
11 months ago, Toombs County Middle School
ACE Winner
Free Resource: Free Primary Medical Care and Medication Assistance is available through Mercy Ministries for eligible individuals. For more information, you can call 912-524-4000 or check out their website at
11 months ago, Toombs County Schools
Applications for the Miss TCMS pageant are due Friday, Feb, 23rd. Applications can be picked up in the front office. The Miss TCMS pageant will be held on Saturday, March 9th at 4 pm.
11 months ago, Toombs County Middle School
Miss TCMS application deadline image
Rising Freshman Orientation at Toombs County High School will be on Tuesday, February 27th (Last Names ending in A-J) and Thursday, February 29th (Last Names ending in K-Z) at 5:45 p.m. each evening. If you are not able to attend due to a schedule conflict on your selected night please email to switch your night to the other date. Any student who does not attend either night will have the opportunity at a later date to select their elective courses at TCMS. On orientation night, students will select their high school pathways/elective classes. Students will tour TCHS on Wednesday, February 21st and they will bring home an informational booklet with a list of pathways.
11 months ago, Toombs County Schools
We ALL need help in getting our families up and running on school days. Here is a short article to help you and your crew work on making your mornings go smoother.
11 months ago, Toombs County Schools
Please join us on March 5th, 2024 for STEM night at TCMS from 4: 30 - 5:30. We will have a variety of hands-on STEM activities, sessions on internet safety, resources for preparation for the Georgia Milestones assessment, and more. We will be serving hot dogs and sides for supper. Come join us!
11 months ago, Toombs County Middle School
STEM nigh English
STEM Night Spanish
TCMS Competition Cheer and BETA Club are hosting the 1st annual 8th Grade Formal on March 8th. Tickets are on sale for $10 until March 1st.
11 months ago, Danielle Morris
8th Grade Formal